To bookend the 22/23 season, we visited Hemsedal, Norway with Alek, Gray and Fredi. Snow, wind, sun, groomers, air time, ice and a touch of powder; virtually every condition presented itself and kept us on our toes. With Fredi behind the lens and Alek and Gray ready to rip, we were able to do some final testing of the new line while capturing some timeless moments.

If we could pick one word to describe this session, it would be adapt. No two runs are the same, no two days are the same, the weather changes by the minute; as a snowboarder in this landscape you must constantly adapt.

While one side of the mountain is wind-scoured and icy, adventuring to the other side provides pockets of soft, wind blown powder turns. It’s a constant dance on the mountain with weather and conditions and yet Alek is constantly grooving.

The early mornings provided fast, clean corduroy - perfect for us to push the limits of our new carving shape. It’s a board built for going fast on edge; laying down exciting carves that get the blood pumping.

When the sun did shine and the snow softened, we ventured higher, following Alek to more natural features perfectly sculpted by the arctic winds. To see this mountain through Alek’s eyes is inspiring. Listening to his stories of Norwegian snowboard history and legendary spots on the mountain adds a richness and depth to the session - making this place feel even more special.

“Hemsedal is my favorite mountain. It’s not very big but has a lot of options for all types of conditions and riding. Cliffs to jump off, groomers to turn on and a few nice spots for freestyle riding.” Alek Oestreng

Photography By Frederik Kalbermatten