Introducing our latest short film in collaboration with Mountain Hardwear
With the help of trams, trains and floating couches, it’s incredible the amount of terrain you can ride in the Alps—in a season or even in a single day. ‘Up Here, Over There’ follows Fredi Kalbermatten, Gray Thompson, and Alek Oestreng as they pinball their way across the immense resort of Saas-Fee, Switzerland, seeking out natural features and finding flow through crevasse-filled runs. The trio let their imagination run wild as the ease of accessibility hovers between wild and tame in a jaw dropping cirque primed for creative expression.
Film Credits
Produced By: Gray Thompson, United Shapes / Anya Miller-Berg, MHW
Directed By: Gray Thompson, United Shapes
Cinematography By: Jon Ray / Levi Luggen
Edited By: Jon Ray / Gray Thompson
Music By: Julien Huynh / Durell Williams
Art By: Max Churchill
Still Images: Fredi Kalbermatten / Gray Thompson